Is Part-Time Expat Living for Me? (Introduction: Questions to Ask)

Perhaps you’ve been reading about living overseas part-time (or full time), enjoying other people’s experiences through blogs or videos or personal accounts.

Aqua Pipa Vendor, Uvita, Costa Rica (coconut water)

Maybe there are recurring thoughts in the back of your mind that surface now and then:

“This sounds like so much fun.”

“Could I do this?”

“How do I know if I can handle it?”

“What’s involved in making this decision?”

Central Pacific Coast, Costa Rica


These are all important thoughts and questions.  There is a lot to think about.  Your mind will need need to process, to think through, to explore, and to evaluate if you are thinking of moving overseas. And, engaging playfully with these ideas will be so much fun, even when the questions take time and the answers are a bit surprising.

Chelyabinsk, Russia

In this next series of blogs, we will look at some questions to ask yourself as you consider a part-time expat lifestyle.  We’ll think through questions in the following categories.

Change and Transition



Where to Live/Place

Why Am I Doing This? What Do I Want to Gain?



Being a Minority/Standing Out


Making the Decision

Cultural and Community Engagement

Attachments – Hobbies, Belongings, Friends, Traditions, etc.

Jaco Beach, Costa Rica

Stay tuned as we dive into these topics through questions that will probe, surprise, bring smiles, and hopefully, clarify.  They will be fun to think about whether you are considering living overseas or not.

See you soon…



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